Status Updates From Idiots

November 23, 2009

I Hope A Whale Eats You

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — youneed2stop @ 5:16 pm

Amalie ******** – is “watching whale wars… why does it hurt in my heart soo terribly. maybe because my favorite moments are out in the waters of alaska watching whales, maybe because they are so docile and amazing, maybe i try and join the sea shepard crew” 🙂

– is posting updates from Idiots… why does it hurt in my head soo terribly that I know people like you exist. How dare you… these fishermen risk their lives, stabbing whales with harpoons, just so they can feed their families and make an honest living. Not to mention there’s a major shortage of whale meat and ribs here in the US. I bet you also have a problem with Michael Vick’s doggie gladiator rings too…. don’t ya? Stupid PETA. Just wait until you get attacked by a whale, then tell me how your heart feels. :9

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